The "Go To Town 4" game allows you to roam around the grand city. With this game you can drive specific street cars around the city. You can control the helicopter, compete in races, ride a motorcycle, shoot with guns in shooting gallery, complete the different missions and get rewards. Admire the great beauty of the grand city.
Key features:
- Easy control
- Fantastic graphics
- Specific cars
- Motorbike
- Motorcycle riding
- Control of the third person
- Grand Street
- Grand City
- Beautiful town
- Fantastic car physics
- Fantastic people physics
- Shooting gallery
- Racing
- Missions
- Helicopter physics
The "Go To Town bintang 4" permainan memungkinkan Anda untuk berkeliaran di sekitar kota besar. Dengan game ini Anda bisa mengendarai mobil jalan tertentu di sekitar kota. Anda dapat mengontrol helikopter, bersaing dalam balapan, naik sepeda motor, menembak dengan senjata dalam penembakan galeri, menyelesaikan misi yang berbeda dan mendapatkan hadiah. Mengagumi keindahan besar kota besar.
Fitur utama:
- Kontrol Mudah
- Fantastic grafis
- mobil khusus
- Motorbike
- riding Motorcycle
- Pengendalian orang ketiga
- Grand Street
- Grand Kota
- Kota Indah
- mobil fisika Fantastis
- orang yang fantastis fisika
- galeri Shooting
- Racing
- Misi
- Helikopter fisika